and high-tech

Carbone Lorraine Heat exchanging equipment


The engineering company ENCE GmbH being the official distributor of the manufacturer of heat exchangers Carbone Lorraine brings to your attention the following products:


Impregnation process:

Preparation of graphite → selection of resin → polymerization and stabilization → chemical cleaning → Graphilor.


  • Unique impregnated isostatic graphite with ultra-thin grain;
  • High corrosion resistance;
  • Resistance to temperature and heat shock;
  • The maximum mechanical resistance allowed by TUV.

Isostatic graphite currently used:

Three types of impregnation:

  • Phenol resins;
  • High temperature treated carbon;
  • Teflon.

Block-type Heat Exchanger Polyblock

Blocks and roofs impregnated by Graphilor
All types of impregnation are acceptable
Horizontal and vertical installation
Easy adaptation
Many different designs

Modular construction:

  • stack of blocks Graphilor;
  • heat transfer units drilled with orthogonal cylindrical channels;
  • thermal shock resistance;
  • the cap is specially optimized for uniform distribution of liquid in all channels.

Principle of construction:

  • External steel casings with compression plates;
  • Floating-head design bolts and springs;
  • Thermal shock resistance;
  • the spring, graphite and gasket are in compression.

Heat transfer units are available in 7 sizes:
Diameter: 100-600mm, 800mm
Heat transfer surface: 0.1м²-1 500м²
Hole size: 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 24, 35 mm

Our materials, constructions, and production facilities have been accredited by quality assurance programs in the world: TUV, ISO 9001/ISO 14000, ASME &National Board Fabricators.


  • Compact size compared to power;
  • Easy maintenance (easy assembly / disassembly / cleaning);
  • Unified parts;
  • Very long working life;
  • Low cost of service.

Shell-and-tube heat exchanger Polytube

  • Classical heat exchanger design;
  • Graphilor pipe bundle and pipes;
  • Horizontal or vertical installation;
  • Multipass;
  • Many different designs.

Tube bundle and cap:

  • The bundles consist of two plates, pipes, 1 distribution plate, separator, and deflector;
  • In order to avoid problems associated with thermal expansion, all the bundle details are made of Graphilor;
  • The caps connect the heat exchanger with uniform distribution of liquid to all pipes.

Pipes are cemented into a plate in accordance with the process

  • Without gaskets
  • High mechanical and corrosive characteristics of cement

Properties of shell-and-tube heat exchanger Polytube:

  • from 200 mm to 2050 mm for plates
  • heat transfer surface from 2 m2 – more than 1000 m2
  • 4 tube types: 25/16, 32/22, 37/25, 51/38
  • the maximum length of pipes without joints is 6 m
  • the pipes are certified at 2200 С

Main advantages:

  • Large-size equipment is available;
  • A large number of tubes and tubular plates diameters;
  • Equipment is precisely matched to the process;
  • Multi-pass on the process side is available;
  • The distances between the service deflectors are optimized for the process;
  • Can be adapted to all operating conditions.

Other supplied equipment

In addition, the engineering company ENCE GmbH supplies other Carbone Lorraine equipment:

  • Pressure vessels
  • Reactor vessels
  • Columns
  • other