During the visit was inspected the process of production of the steam superheater item 603. Development and approval of drawings and documentation, as well as assembly, installation and other actions are made in accordance with the approved schedule. Due to production needs were carried on negotiations about the possibility to reduce time of the superheater final assembly.
Superheater item 603 technical specification:
Feedwater heat-exchanger, consisting of two elements.
Horizontal shell-and-tube heat-exchanger with hard tube bundle without compensator.
Total heat exchange surface of two elements is 1054 m2.
Shell side for each element:
Pressure: 150 bar
Design temperature: 330°C
Medium: boiler feed water
Shell internal diameter: 1050 mm
Shell thickness: 70 mm
Shell material: SA516Gr.70N
Head thickness: 75 mm
Head material: SA387Gr.11Cl.2
Tube side for each element:
Pressure: 320 bar
Design temperature: 350°C
Medium: exit gas
Quantity of tubes: 1636 pcs
Length of tubes: 8820 mm
Tube outer diameter: 25,0 mm
Tube thickness: 5,4 mm
Tube material: SA213Gr.Т22
Tube sheet thickness: 340 mm
Tube sheet material: SA182Gr.F11Cl.2